@extends('layout.layout') @section('content')
@if($usuario->id == Auth::user()->id)

Bem vindo {{$usuario->name}}






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About me

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I am a web developer and designer based in Montreal - Canada,
I like read books, good music and nature.
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Ocupation:Developer and designer
Birthday:16 September 1989
Mobile:(999) 999-9999
Location:Montreal, Canada
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--}} {{-- Modelos mais procuradas--}} {{--
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Claire SassuInitial commitAug 6, 2015
Joel KingMain structure markupJul 28, 2015
Maggie JacksonLeft sidebar adjusmentsJul 15, 2015
Mike BolthortTopbar dropdown styleJun 30, 2015
Jhon VoltemarFooter html structureJun 23, 2015
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--}} @endsection @section('js') @endsection